I was thinking that my Valentine's day would be different than the past 5 years or more that I have had, but I see that it won't be. I only say this because after talking with my boyfriend's Mom, it appears that my boyfriend has inherited or maintains this outlook of "it's ok to treat people any kind of way". This hurts pretty bad, because that means that it's ok to half ass things or be late or even make excuses. I knew that he was highly unrefined, and that he didn't care for much of the finer things in life. But I didn't know that we were that much different. Makes me feel like a chunk of me has blown up and caught me on fire.
I realize I wake up and move through out the day with this horrible frown. It makes me angry!! Mostly because I feel like I'm developing early wrinkles!! But lol, I know this is half and half because of my relationship, buuuuuut also because I hate my job now. I'm sorry I strongly detest it. Is that any better? O.o I was trying to fake it till I made it, but who has energy to waste and burn for all of this?! Sometimes I silently cry because I can't tell if I'm settling both romantically and/or professionally. I feel like I'm back with my exes all over again. I seriously feel like I'm the problem to all my relationships. I sacrifice my happiness a lot to make sure they are fully happy.. I always get the short (if any) of the stick. I'm thinking they will not take advantage of me or take me for granted, but I stand corrected regularly.
Sometimes, lmao, I dream of characters that sweep me off of my feet and save me, and create this fantasy dream of I dunno, whatever the fuck I desire. You could call it "Utopia" or some shit. But in any case, lol, I always somehow get into these relationship where guys take me for granted and give me rainchecks for my most FAVORITE HOLIDAY ON EARTH , as well as other holidays and birthdays as well. Tired of men doing that, like I am not as important as the shit they produce. I think that's why sometimes I feel like a have accumulated a "Lost Love Syndrome", as my couple book describes it, for Richard. But even then I played "back burner bitch" to his folks all the time. Not saying family doesn't come first, but damn you could take me out on a date like you promised for my last week in Georgia (before I went to TSU). (But instead he didn't call me until an hour after he was supposed to pick me up, and even had the audacity to try and reschedule our date because his Mom wanted to).
Like my boyfriend's Mom said, "It's okay if they don't get us anything; they will when they can..."
I realize I wake up and move through out the day with this horrible frown. It makes me angry!! Mostly because I feel like I'm developing early wrinkles!! But lol, I know this is half and half because of my relationship, buuuuuut also because I hate my job now. I'm sorry I strongly detest it. Is that any better? O.o I was trying to fake it till I made it, but who has energy to waste and burn for all of this?! Sometimes I silently cry because I can't tell if I'm settling both romantically and/or professionally. I feel like I'm back with my exes all over again. I seriously feel like I'm the problem to all my relationships. I sacrifice my happiness a lot to make sure they are fully happy.. I always get the short (if any) of the stick. I'm thinking they will not take advantage of me or take me for granted, but I stand corrected regularly.
Sometimes, lmao, I dream of characters that sweep me off of my feet and save me, and create this fantasy dream of I dunno, whatever the fuck I desire. You could call it "Utopia" or some shit. But in any case, lol, I always somehow get into these relationship where guys take me for granted and give me rainchecks for my most FAVORITE HOLIDAY ON EARTH , as well as other holidays and birthdays as well. Tired of men doing that, like I am not as important as the shit they produce. I think that's why sometimes I feel like a have accumulated a "Lost Love Syndrome", as my couple book describes it, for Richard. But even then I played "back burner bitch" to his folks all the time. Not saying family doesn't come first, but damn you could take me out on a date like you promised for my last week in Georgia (before I went to TSU). (But instead he didn't call me until an hour after he was supposed to pick me up, and even had the audacity to try and reschedule our date because his Mom wanted to).
Like my boyfriend's Mom said, "It's okay if they don't get us anything; they will when they can..."
Ok. ( ' -') Sooo, this movie has so many wrongs it can't be right lol. Let me start by saying that this was initially not going to make it out into theaters, or even showcased on the PSN network This was mainly because it is highly controversial, and talks about America "taking out" Kim from North Korea. But in order to get that close to Kim, James and Seth are seeking to give Kim an Interview. Geez, how extreme can that get. But in case it seemed like it would've been too serious, they made it into a comedy. ( ' -' ) haha?
First thing is the above picture portrays either:
- White American males are here to save the day, and take out Kim
- Or America is here to save the day because we know best
Second, as we go throughout the movie, they made an effort to claim there is a stereotype where the CIA agent uses her sexuality to lure them into doing her work. I mean women couldn't kill Kim themselves, but at least they can plan how to. They redeem her importance to the mission when James and Seth fuck up twice. At least she is not a bimbo in this. Even though the way she was dressed before was essentially to manipulate James into saying yes to the mission. Not so bad is I do say so myself.
Third, my teacher from college has explained the white male patriarchy. Many times white males sleep with women of another race as a form of "right of passage". It is a sick way to stake dominance and patriarchy authority in the world. But that is the "American" and maybe even the "European" way (considering the rape an pillage of many cultures and nations across history). Here you can see that white male patriarchy coming to save the day would not be complete without "tasting" the "forbidden fruit" of North Korea. We learn towards the end of the movie that the girl Seth banged was essentially his soul-mate, but nothing overcomes bromance.
In this movie, we see a softer side, and possibly a much kinder side of Kim that maybe we wouldn't normally expect. He is essentially a normal guy with Daddy issues. He, like James in the movie, is unable to enjoy all of life's pleasures due to his father being excessively critical of his interests. Liking things like Katy Perry's music and enjoying margaritas are deemed as homosexual interests because it's not "masculine" enough. Not too mention, Kim explains how he can't enjoy life since he is 31, and has no idea how to run a country. Whoops. ( ' -' )! In the end, we learn it is still no excuse for his people being tortured and starved.