I've been researching or looking for stuff relating to aliens and UFO's on tumblr lately, I'm not sure why. But! I did find some great stuff (like this picture for example) that made me question a lot of things, like why is all of this a secret. Not too mention somehow I stumbled across the fact that "The Fourth Kind" movie is a fake.. I was highly disappointed and was like damn. I actually thought that was real... but then that was probably the reason why it was released in theaters because it WASN'T. I did find a few videos that was mind blowing like the one below. But after watching things like this, you wonder what do I do now?! In any case, I was told that in 2012 that there could be a "blue light show in the sky" hat everyone can see! I do take their word for it considering that they are reliable. But still what can we do now...?
Ok! so had do presentation yesterday to link Appadurai and a news article. Course I found this unique thing, where Facebook is having trouble getting access to Japan due to its lack of anonymity. This dude right here tho is the creator of Mixi (a social network in Japan, popular, that is like Facebook). There is also Gree, another social network in Japan, that also promotes anonymity. Facebook is trying to appease to Japan by creating a “different” site format for them, which include a feature, that is common in Japan, that allows you to list your blood type! O.o