Happy New Years..
I do feel incredibly bad about hurting him, and I apologized numerously.. he said he forgives me.. but haven't heard from him all day... He did decide to give me a new years kiss within the hour, but wasn't sure how much he wanted to .-. And he was trying to get back at me a lot.. x.x he made me super jealous (whether he knows it or not lol) and he tapped my thigh pretty hard x.x I feel crappy... I think he was trying to make me smile before I took him home (before we went to James') but I was so angry... I felt like punishing myself today since I didn't feel like I deserved his forgiveness completely. I'm badly PMSing I guess.. I just really wanted to spend time with him alone before we went to visit our friends... that's why I asked him earlier that day if he was hungry... he thought I was acting weird.. but I didn't know how.. we don't have much time left before I go to Japan and him back to Valdosta.. And not to mention, he may be there for another whole year.. >.<
It is pretty sad.. we had such a great day the day before yesterday................ I love him so much.. been trying to find ways to make it up to him... We did, however, have fun with our buddies though, miss them..