
by - 3:00 AM

         Ok. Let me start by saying, "Happy Birthday Terrence". ( ' -') I know. DUMB AND STUPID to do, right? Well, to popular belief, we are supposed to be friends. Not to mention, I feel edgy and adventurous :P

         I want soooooooooooooo bad to do edgy things with my boyfriend. It's always been like that with every boyfriend I've been with. They lack the confidence to dance with me in the middle of a bumping circle of strangers in strobe lights and electronica music ( - .-)... for example. Crazy yeah? O.o Anyways.... I wanna do random, crazy, out-of-this-world things! I think I may need to leave my boyfriend behind, and set sail (' -' ) to another country. I think I'm going to go on vacation cross-country by myself. I'm pretty sure that my family (and boyfriend) are going to be like, "oh my gooosh, noooo don't go alooone", but I mean I could've sworn that Terrence was going on a cruise with his girlfriend, and honestly I never got the opportunity to really be single O.o

         Deal with it!\( ' -')/ Totally going to find a place to be free and WILD!! UGH!! ( - .-) being around straight-laced people on a REGULAR BASIS, I forget that life is wonderful, rigid, roller coaster of WTF WAS THAT?! ( ' -')b

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