My Beloved Grandmother
My grandmother passed away today at age 84 around 1:35p.m.... It took a while for my emotions to build up... My Mom text me at work encouraging me and my brother to come to the Hospice as soon as possible... after I had received it, I had a bad feeling about it.. My Mom never "demands" we do something, so obviously this seemed very serious...
My grandmother and I were very close and from what my Mom says, we're very much alike. I loved her so much... we connected so well and understood each other often...Now that she's gone, I'm not sure how to live anymore... she was the focal point of my life as well as my brother's and mother's.
I wish I could've met my grandfather when I was older... I heard he was head of his Freemason lodge lol.. I was told he was murdered when I was very very young... now that both of my grandparents are gone on my Mom's side, I feel a sense of sincere loneliness... My Mom and I are not sure how to live our lives anymore...
According to Mom, my Grandmother was very smitten with me, I miss her so much... >.<