3 Month Anniversay ^.^
Today is Daniel and I’s 3 month Anniversary ^.^ And it’s the only good thing that has technically happened to me so far today, because my ex, Terrence, made me cry this morning… But that’s for another post…
I’m pretty happy to be with Daniel. I think that over the few months of us getting to know each other and merge lives together, I feel grateful for having him as a boyfriend. I do feel less stressed and more free-spirited nowadays. Before, it was kind of hard to feel that way with everything going on in my life at the time…
I love the way he takes care of me. The way he meshes with my family is priceless. They seem to embrace him so much in his entirety. It feels good that he’s open with them ^.^ I wish my deceased Grandmother could meet him. Lol, she would probably be swept away xD
He has a lot of things to pay for or pay off, but that’s how it has been since I had met him. Though despite those things, he puts money away for things for me and for us as a couple. I’m not a materialistic girl.. I don’t find joy in meaningless expensive objects or whatever… I prefer the more personal touch, even if it’s a handwritten letter or note or something. And yes occasionally I like expensive gifts whether it’s a surprise or for an occasion. It makes things like Aja, the restaurant he took me for my birthday, a real treat since it’s sort of rare we can go out like that anyway.. ^.^
Sometimes we go on dates or hangout or whatever at places that don’t cost anything since money can be tight for us. Like climbing Stone Mountain, or having a picnic at Piedmont Park , or cooking at his place ^.^ We do what we can ^.^ If anything, it’s more important we do things together and work out our issues if we have any. And we do. He bought Borderlands last month so we could play together, and at first I was hesitant, but it’s pretty fun since he’s the one really encouraging us to play a lot of times xD And I dunno, something happens for me when a guy I’m with goes after me or guy I like, and never gives up on me… it just feels different.. like I’m not the only one putting in the effort. Like he would fight for me to not leave… I feel like I’m worth a fight now… worth fight over or for.. There are days I’m still in the reserve about the future. I mean you think that when you initially get together that you will be together forever in a sense or at least you are in it long term. I’m still afraid that he’ll become like all the rest somehow… But I guess for now things are pretty peachy ^.^