Memorable Saturday Pre-Birthday Dinner ^.^
My Birthday was one to remember this year ^.^ It all began on Saturday when my boyfriend, Daniel, took me to this place called Aja, pronounced “Asia ” xD. It was soooooooooooooooooooooo awesome ( @ .@) It was pretty trendy place!! He said he did a lot of research to find a place I would love ^.^ The place was lively with dubstep and trance music! \^.^/ He had to make reservations because it was semi small place that required valet parking ^.^ We got dressed up, and it took me two hours to try and get everything right and ready for that day.
Creme Brulee! ^.^ |
Later on that day, he took me to go see World War Z at Atlantic Station, and we grabbed some yogurt at this place called Yogli Mogli xD. Funny name :P They had sooooooooo many varieties in yogurt that we all had to stand in line so we wouldn’t topple each other xD. It was a night to remember ^.^
On Sunday, my Mom had made curry chicken and other dishes to go along with it ^.^ She also bought a cake that was handmade by a bakery in her work town area. It was pretty good :P It was Red Velvet with nuts and cream cheese icing ^.^
Monday though lol :P my coworker/ friend James and I share the same birthday down to the year, day, and month!! \*0*/ So we decided to celebrate it together with his cousin ^.^ It was fun! We went to Malibu Grand Prix in Gwinnett :P And it would’ve been better had it still had the Adult track for racing xD but either way it was cool :P I beat James in Tekken 5 \( ‘ .’)/ oh yeah!
Everyone remembered my birthday, even those I don’t even talk to did too xD I was tad upset that Terrence forgot and didn’t even BOTHER email me at least ( - .-).. But it’s whatever since he was probably doing that to me because I did that to him, even though I thought we were threw so I didn’t see the necessity to celebrate the person-who-broke-my-heart’s birthday.. At the same time, he doesn’t chase or go after anyone, he’s more of a I’ll-sit-here-and-wait-for-you type of guy. So, he probably wanted me to get on Skype or something lol. That’s kind of low lol, some friend.. Anyway, :P I was hoping for more in a different sense… Daniel would know what I’m talking about lol… T.T But maybe there’s still a chance… I dunno…