KingsMan and Assholes
So, three friends of mine (which I have no problem mentioning by name), Carlos, Jose, and Khiem, for the longest have kept bitching that they don't get to see me (Khiem doesn't really say anything because we're still more acquaintances). I tell them that hey, come over to my place if you want. No takers. I finally tell them that there isn't much I find we can do together because anything we do must involve alcohol, and I don't like to drink (duh). So, they decided "well then you come up with something". Well gee assholes, I don't know what to do, because you all (mostly Jose), always has to drown themselves in alcohol as often as possible.
Yesterday, after a week long of preparations and an argument, we all decide to see Kingsman at Buckhead Backlot mostly because it was closer to Carlos and I. I was like sure, whatever. Now, a little back story. I don't hang out with them as often or I rarely do hang out with them because of the following reasons:
- They neg me all the fucking time (negging)
- They always have to have alcohol involved
- They exclude me out and leave me to find my own way to catch up with "Doctor Who" (For Example)
- They don't consider me a best friend even after all that we've gone through, and considering how long we've known each other
- When I was looking for another job at Travelex, Carlos acted like he could not help me find a job, and was ignorant to referring me to whoever that could help get me through the door (or any door he may have connections too). Mind you, he still wanted to do stuff with me, but because I made way less then he did, and lived far from him, I was still expected to shell out gas, money, and time that I barely had.
- I have been spending time with my bestie Camille, my roommates who care a lot more than they do, my wonderful boyfriend Daniel (I'll explain that in next blog :P ), and my family duh. All of which who care and give way more shits than the three of them do.
- Etc.
It hits the nail on the head how badly I'm mistreated by them at times when we went to go see this movie. Mind you we've had a shitty week for weather revolving around snow and closing business and working from home. So, naturally I'm on edge thinking I don't want to get stuck if it freezes over. In any case, it was just rain, and the weather was warm enough to not freeze over.
So, I make it there ON TIME. Carlos is way closer, however when I tell him I made it, he only says cool. Huh? Like where the fuck are you? Anyway, I redeem my ticket that I bought online (and had trouble printing at Kinko's because I have no printer right now). I chose a seat up front because it was vacant with other seats for the other three people ( "friends" ) meeting up with me here. I tell them in Facebook Messenger "Hey, choose B or A to sit at; there a vacant seats for all of us."
It was just a deck to ourselves. This was Fork and Screen, so you sat with a table and had to choose spots to sit before you went in. These assholes choose F and I'm like sitting down here waiting for them. So, they message me for me to meet them out front, and then say that sat at F instead. WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU WHEN I SAID PICK B ASSHOLES?!!!?!?!!!? I sat watching that movie, in a date theater at a table and on a deck BY MYSELF. I ordered a brownie sundae because I as like "Since-I'm-Here", and also because my period had just started ( ' -' )!
After the movie was over by ONE SECOND, I left and went home.... I was pissed, and angry. They started blowing me up and I had like 8 missed calls by Jose and Carlos combined. I was texting Camille the whole time, and was like fuck them. Then Jose posts how they went to go see another movie, and Khiem was like stop trolling, we're outside waiting for you. By that time I left, and was half way home.