The Return of Terrence

by - 11:30 AM

          Sooo, Terrence finally contacted me.. again. This time he emailed me what seemed like a plea. In retrospect we’ve been emailing for two days now between each other. On the other hand, I realized how Daniel would be affected by this sudden contact from him. We were both surprised, but he knew Terrence would contact me again. I didn’t of course xP.

Together, Daniel and I talked about the first email Terrence sent. It was midnight when I first saw it. He had to get up early at 5 A.M. for work, like usual, and instead of going to bed, he saw how I was taking the email and decided that we talk about it, especially since he was thinking that our relationship may be in jeopardy. It was good that we talked and got everything out on the table. We didn’t go to bed until maybe 3 something lol? He said that I come first and that solving and or talking about our problems or what’s bothering us is most important, and that it was worth losing sleep over ^.^

As for Terrence’s email, not only was I shocked, but I was also somehow relieved of finally getting closure. I was just accepting my losses and moving forward, but knowing this makes me feel better :)
. He wants to be friends though with me and Daniel.. And I guess that would be okay.. I just don’t know how it would work considering how Terrence feels.. I can safely say I guess I still do care about him.. I feel that my relationship with Daniel may hurt or affect him though. He said he’s been on and off depressed, but then he’s talking back to his ex before me again. I couldn’t leave Daniel though, not after all we’ve gone through and been through so far, not to mention all the things he’s done for me. Our relationship reminds me of Aladdin xD or at least he does :P. It would be interesting if me and Terrence double dated one day O.o.

I invested so much into him and our relationship.. But after treating me a certain way for so long, it’s kind of hard for an abused and neglected dog to want to go back to it’s owner/friend even after being given delicious human food… I won’t lie and say I don’t miss him and things between us, but he hurt me DEEPLY. I told him though that Daniel and I would have to discuss things with him in person to make an accurate judgment. Not sure if Terrence would be able to handle my relationship with Daniel. He doesn’t want to cause harm or threat to my new relationship, which is interesting. The shoe is on the other foot now. Hmm. I guess since he doesn’t have anyone that he’s falling back on like his last ex, then I guess stealing me would be painful process anyway. In my opinion, it seems easier to steal someone away when you yourself has someone already. Then again, Terrence could be trying to rekindle things with his ex.. and I figure he would be naturally.. I mean she was always in the way of our relationship….

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